Theme Settings

1. Choose Front Themes
To select Front Themes for store website, go to Settings -> Choose Front Themes.

  • Admin can manage and select Front Themes: Choose between Theme 1 or Theme 2.
  • After selecting a theme, click the Save button to save your changes.
A) Theme 1
  • There is an option for 'Allow Section Content' => Display Section Content in HomePage
  • Admin can enable or disable this option, if enable it only appear when admin select for Theme 1.
B) Theme 2
  • There is 2 option which are for 'Non-Cart Base' and 'Banner Slider Option'
  • 'Non-Cart Base' => Display another layout cart design when user select booking
  • 'Banner Slider Option' => Display banner with slider
  • Admin can enable or disable this option, if enable it only appear when admin select for Theme 2.

2. Front Theme Settings
To changes Front Theme Settings for store website, go to Settings -> Choose Front Theme Settings.

  • Admin can change or update logo and favicon
  • After upload, click Save button to saved.

3. Admin Theme Settings
To manage Admin Theme Settings, go to Settings -> Admin Theme Settings.
