Front-Page - Theme 2
Landing / Home page
1. Business Logo
To manage business logo, go to Admin Panel, Settings -> Front Theme Settings.
2. Service Categories
To manage business services, go to Categories.
3. Login / Logout panel
- If you are already logged in, you will see user name.
- If you hover on name you will find two options:
- My account
- Logout
4. Booking Cart
To find more items/services and to manage added items in your Booking cart.
5. Location
To change or to see available location option click on location.
6. Search Box
To search services/items and will redirect you to cart page where you can find related services if available.
7. Front Slider Images
- To manage front slider images, navigate to Settings -> Front Theme Settings -> Carousel/Slider Settings.
- This is the front page design of banners without sliders.
- This is the front page design of banners with sliders.
- The settings of Banner Slider Option can be set by Admin.
- To view/purchase deals click on deals, and you will redirect to the all deals page where you will find all deals from all companies.
- Admin can manage Deals, go to Deals.
Front sections
To manage front section content and image, go to Settings -> Front settings -> Section settings.
Our categories
- This is the front section categories layout cart design when user select booking. (Non-Cart Base is Enable)
- Customer can select the services categories that they want to search and select the services for booking.
- This is the front section categories layout design where (Non-Cart Base is Disable).
Customer feedback
To manage customer feedback, go to Settings -> Front settings -> Customer feedback.
Get started
To manage get started, go to Left Settings -> Front settings -> Get started note.
Footer section
- To manage footer contents, text, social links, go to Settings -> front settings -> footer settings.
- To manage who we are and support pages go to Settings -> front pages.
- To manage languages, go to Settings -> Language settings.
- My account
- Logout